Our values


Openness and trust

We are open about our plans and we share information. We are prepared to accept when we get things wrong – we want to earn your trust.



We value different people’s experiences and skills, and use them to provide services in the way you want and need.

value for money

Value for money/efficiency

We deliver the best services by making sure that our time and our money is always spent wisely.

customer focus

Customer focus

We will listen to you to improve the way we do business, and shape our services to meet your needs and expectations.

high performace

High staff performance and morale

We will invest in and develop our staff to provide you with the highest quality of service.

continual improvement

Continual improvement

We never rest on our laurels. We will always look for ways to improve and do things better.

inspired leadership

Inspired leadership

We challenge and motivate our staff to achieve our vision.



We provide services which respond to current and future needs, and ensure we do what we say we will do.

Calico Interiors

Social value is at the heart of what we do. We support those wanting to learn a trade and earn a recognised qualification that will enable them to continue making a difference to their own lives and the lives of others.

Our internal interiors work is made up of two services, working in conjunction with our Group partners at Calico Enterprise to offer trade experience and opportunities to those who may not otherwise have them:

Painting & Decorating

We look to create brighter homes, neighbourhoods and communities through the high quality and wide-ranging decoration services we deliver.

Clean & Clear

Our clean and clear teams work to improve homes, neighbourhoods and communities by making homes and spaces clean and safe for the people who live there.

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